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Hollow Wienie
October 31, 2004 - 11:54 pm

Busy bee is the life of me.
Today I went on a librarian Halloween Extravaganza. We went to Hampshire to see the Yiddish Book Museum (to which my grandfather has donated some things) and to the Eric Carle Museum of Picturebook Art. Since it was Halloween, there were all sorts of small children running about in costumes. This cute cute cute little boy of like 3 was wearing a bee costume and he was so proud of it. The librarian reading stories (who was like 500 years old) kept getting interrupted by Bee Boy who was saying, "Excuse me, excuse me, I'm a bug." And it was so cute it was hard to be mad at him. Somehow, the librarian kept reading and the mom came and told her bug to be quiet.
Next we went to the dean's country home (!) and I passed out candy to children. That was the most fun part. I really like kids and costumes and all that stuff. I handed out candy liberally, and children left happy.
This week will be crazy because of the election. I am really hoping to go see Kerry at the BPL, but I also know it will be a madhouse that maybe I should avoid. We'll see.
Tomorrow I go back to see if my therapist will remember to meet me. I do not like being stood up by my therapist.

yesterday - tomorrow

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