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Pasa Doble
May 21, 2008 - 4:08 pm

Oh happy day. The South Beach Diet bars I eat every day are on sale this week at CVS for $1. This is a savings of between $.79--$1.79 depending on where I am shopping. How ever much I am saving, I now have 33 bars in my home. This will last a bit over a month. Maybe I should go around and clean everyone out and just stock the fuck up. Maybe I will hit another CVS that is on my way home from work.
In other (still foody) news, I realized in therapy today that I enjoy eating, as opposed to enjoying food. There is a distinct difference there that I never really spent much time thinking about, but it's true. I am not really a foodie, letting flavors explode for my palate blah blah blah. I am an eater. I like putting things in my mouth (ha) and the feeling of it sliding into me. (Double ha.) I think something that may help me is to focus on the pleasure of food instead of the act of eating. Hey, it's worth a shot.
I looked for jobs today, no place really in particular, just something I like to do sometimes. There aren't a heap of things I am qualified for, so I suppose I will continue to "work" here.

yesterday - tomorrow

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