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Happy Birthday America
July 04, 2004 - 2:59 am

Today I woke up late and that was nice. I didn't have to be anywhere, and I don't have to be anywhere again tomorrow.

We got ready and went to get food for the picnic that we hosted here on Simmons Residence Campus. We got chips, hot dogs and Oreos, so we are an official American party.

The grill didn't work, of course, since why would anything really go so smoothly. Linda went and bought a new grill thing for $20 at Star Market and then we constructed it using my tool kit. That made me feel like a handy lesbatron.

We ate and ate and played and had a lot of fun. Rachael came with us when we went to hang out and sing some kareoke before seeing the firecracks on the Mass bridge.

We sat outside in two small groups: Amy, Sarah, Liora and Rachael then Linda, Jenny, Meg and Jess.

There was a herd of people walking in the streets after the firecracks and it was so cool. It felt like a power to the people march and cars were trying to move and it was like screw you and that was good.

The fireworks were really really good and about 30 minutes long. There were weepy ones and bright pops and saturn ones and smiley face ones.

On the way home, Liora and Rachael ate donuts and it was cute. They both had some chocolate creme on their lips and it was a smile.

Happy birthday America.

I remembered to call my mom to wish her happy 4th. It is her first as an American.

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2