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Bad Interview
March 23, 2005 - 4:30 pm

I am naked.

Today was possibly one of the worst interviews I have been to in awhile. I should mention the good parts first. It was set up very quickly and that part was good. Getting there was an easy zip down the orange line, and that was also good.

The bad stuff started when I got there. The reception area wasn't well lit. There was a man in the corner talking to himself and no one was paying any attention to him which led me to believe that this man was often there talking to himself and having no one pay him any attention. The receptionist asked me to repeat myself like 4 times and that was annoying.

Then the woman who would be conducting my interview came out to get me. She was one of those people that is 40 and looks 70 due to a stressful life, and I realize now the job must have done that to her. I don't want to be old before my time. I would still be smoking if I wanted that.

So the lady and I sit down and I can immediatly tell that she has looked at my resume for about 1 second. She asked me if I had ever worked in a career resource environment, when the top listing on my resume under my work experience section is my career resource library employment. I think we talked about me for about 4 minutes. Then we spent the next 26 talking about the job.

I don't believe in lying in job related things. I don't lie on my resume; in return, I don't want people to lie on their job postings. This was sadly not today's case. The job posting made it sound like I would be developing all these new things to teach people, like resume classes, how to dress for an interview, etc., when in actuality, they are just looking for someone to step into a pre-designed structure. Ok, cool. Whatever. Why didn't they word it differently? Then comes the part where she mentions that the population served would be people on welfare who are being forced to go off welfare through getting a job, adding that most of them are not excited to be there. Um...that was something that should have been brought to my attention yesterday where I could have decided at home if I wanted to do that type of work, as opposed to when I have already hauled my ass out of bed, put on a suit and entered a meeting. I thought that wasn't fair.

In my head, I had been picturing me training people that wanted to be there. When I pointed out the ad wasn't very specific, she said she had done that on purpose. I felt a little tricked. And not in the nice way I sometimes like to be tricked, like when there is a candy reward at the end or a room full of friends.

The clincher was when she suggested to me that I might try looking at other job training centers to see if they needed people to work in their career resource libraries. I think, ok that was nice. Then she follows that up by adding that since libraries are boring, they have trouble finding people to work in them.

I'm sorry, huh? Excuse me, but you really must have not read my resume. Working in libraries is not boring, according to me or my $45,000 education. But thanks for playing.

So I don't think I want that job. I really want the Vertex job.

Call me Vertex. I heart you.

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2