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Meter Maid
May 02, 2005 - 11:58 am

I think I am pretty much screwed. I am never going to get a job. I will never amount to anything and no one will ever love me.
Ok so maybe not all of this is true, but I really feel like it it right now.
I am back at Simmons, and I just had my appointment with the guy about school librarianship and I would have to take 7 more classes. I really don't think I can do that. Then I looked into taking the children't lit class or the YA class over the summer and I sent the prof an email asking if I could do it since it is waitlisted, but I don't know why she would say yes. Why isn't my general MLS enough? I am feeling very down about this turn of events.
If I get invited to another round at Win50r, they want me to teach a mock class. What? I don't know what I would do.
God I am a whiner. I am just kinda scared that just when I thought I was done with school, maybe it is not enough to get me a job.
In other news, I had a great time last night seeing a drag king troupe at Milky Way. Meg nearly lost her jacket but then all was ok. I also liked my jewelry making party on Saturday night. I now have 3 new pairs of earrings.
The meter may run out.

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2