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Trying To Deal
June 13, 2005 - 9:48 am

Can I start by mentioning that Boston is hotter thean Tel Aviv? That is ridonkulous.
It was great to be with my family, even though sometimes my brother made me crazy witu his "helpful" job finding tips.
Our hotel was like an apartment hotel, so my mom and I shared a room and then my brother had his own and we had 2 bathrooms and a kitchen and a living room. It was so nice to have so much space.
My aunt is a choreographer, and she is famous for creating trips that go from sunup to sundown, and this was no exception. We packed bathing suits and fancy pants every day to make sure we would be prepared.
We went to Jerusalem, Haifa, Jaffo, Ceasaeria, Bat Shlomo, all these places with different experiences. I loved swimming in the Mediterranian Sea. It is calm. My mom collected sea shells.
We ate falafel every day. No really, EVERY DAY. We went into the Arab quarters and ate it there. I must say I was disappointed by Jerusalem. I haven't been to Israel in 10 years, and that was pre-9/11, pre-a-lot-of-stuff, so things were not what I remembered and that made me sad.
Speaking of sad, I am feeling a little forlorn today. I'm not really sure why. Maybe the heat, the weird post-21-hours-of-flying feeling, the missing of my family being close by.
Liora was great last night. I was so dopy and out of it. She took me home and took care of me. It is so fucking hot in my house. I am jealous of Liora's air conditioning.
I guess I feel like it is time to be back to the grindstone, and that is a kind of forlorn feeling.

yesterday - tomorrow

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