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New Tires, New Sunshine
July 16, 2005 - 2:25 pm

Today is Linda's b-day and that is fun. Yay for birthdays.
Last night was Tegan and Sara and it was a really good show. They played most of the songs I wanted to hear, and then MFerrick came out as like a suprise and sang "My Number" with them and that was cool too.
We are doggie sitting for my boss and I am keeping all my stuff on her kitchen table. I will be naked getting something and then I will say, "I am naked in my boss's kitchen" and that makes me laugh.
I got new tires today since I popped one by running a curb the other night. That was a hearty $350 suprise. That is the worst part about all-wheel drive. You can't just replace one tire or it fucks with the transmission, so all the tires have to be replaced. Boo.
I am also, oddly, out of the PotterMania. D and I last time were well into it, but this year I haven't gotten the book. I need to read the 5th one again so I am up to date. I hope my mom buys the 6th to keep up our collection.
I have been super mean and stressed out and confused lately. I feel like everything is happening to me and I am in this like bubble where I don't really understand what is going on. On the upside, I am going to Chicago for the second interview I was hoping for, so that is good.

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2