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Week In Rock
October 10, 2005 - 5:24 pm

I'm not sure why I haven't been updating. I have had a cold for the past week, and I think it has to do with starting my volunteering at a school. Children carry around a lot of germs to pass on. I think they are all now inside of me.
Sad news. Robert Louis, super doggie extrordinaire, is going to have to be put to sleep. He is really disoriented and he can't hear or really see well anymore, so my mom thinks it will be kindest to put him to sleep. I am so sad. I cried myself to sleep about it last night sad. Panic attack about it yesterday sad. I have had this doggie for 13 years. That is half my life. He has a smiley face and he always likes me. And licks me. I'm not sure when this will happen, I just now that it is going to. I'm trying to deal with it the best I can.
In other news, I have finished my training at the library and I am scheduled for some shifts at the end of the month, so that is good. I have a new plan to clean my room and store things in bins and that will take me awhile to put into action.
I haven't been to Curves in a week since I am sick. I am debating going today. I should really make myself, but I seem to be lacking motivation.
I love my friends. D, Kate and I have spent every Friday, Saturday and Sunday together for the last month, and when they are gone Sunday night, I get really lonely for them. This weekend we watched a marathon of "Next" on MTV in my mom's bed for 6 hours. Seriously. The 3 of us laid together for 6 hours like sardines.
Living here is starting to seem less like a vacation and more like real life. I got a jacket and a sweatshirt and some more work clothes so I don't always feel like I am missing key pieces of clothing.
Fall slammed in this past week and we went from 80 to 60 in one day. No wonder I am sickly.

yesterday - tomorrow

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