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L'Shannah Tova
October 03, 2005 - 4:56 pm

Hmm. I am not so sure how I feel about the new grey template for adding entries. It makes me feel like a bad day.
Things have been trucking along. I only remember that I don't have a job every couple of days now instead of a constant sword over my head thing like it used to be. Today is the Jewish New Year, and I like it. The rituals are very soothing to me: food and listening. I am good at a lot of things and food and listening seem to be right up there among my best.
Also up there is dancing. I am a KICK ASS dancer, and I am proud of it. This weekend at the UM/MSU party, I danced up a storm and then someone asked me if I had just taken a shower because I was so sweaty. So in the last two weeks, I have been so sweaty from dancing that I have been asked if I was just in the shower and also if I had just gone swimming. That should give you an idea of how wet my entire head gets. What can I say; I am a sweater by nature.
RL has to wear a no-lick collar. He does not like his no-lick collar. He kind of looks like an alien and it makes it hard for him to drink his water without bumping into things.
Happy birthday, Earth.

yesterday - tomorrow

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