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On An Up Note
November 27, 2005 - 11:32 pm

I've been having a really dark time lately. I feel like no one likes me, that everyone hates me, and that, yes, I should just go and eat some worms. Then I mope around and call my friends and make them tell me that they still like me which should really make them not like me for being so needy, but it makes me feel better at the time.
I think it was seeing everyone with partners. Winter is such a nesting time. The free-wheelin' summer is over and everyone is batting down the hatches and having a lot of significant other time. I'm jealous of that. And I love my friends, I really do, it's just that sometimes you need snuggling and kissing and more-than-friend attention.
I will say that I am feeling better tonight after talking to D and hearing her say that she could never replace me (not that I really thought she could, but this was a day I needed to hear of my importance to her life), and watching hours, literally HOURS, of TV with my mom and eating enough chocolate to sink a battleship. Sometimes life gets down. Then it gets up. I need to get my sunlamp out, I think.
I should really be focusing on this whole second Chicago interview thing that I have on Thursday. I need to find something cute to wear!

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2