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Day of Thangs
November 24, 2005 - 4:42 pm

I like Thanksgiving. We pretty much just sit around my house all day and eat. I am wearing pjs and I spent awhile reading the newspaper ads and just kind of lazing. It was a general laze day.
My brother bought the 90s Trivial Pursuit game, so hopefully we will play that later and I can demonstrate my mastery of the 90s. Or at least manage to hold my own and not get spanked. My brother's girlfriend will have the hardest time as she is 22 and may not remember much of the 90s. Ha. Sucker.
I have had the vapors as of late, and find myself being alternatly needy, weepy and hungry, the trifecta of PMS. I hope I get my period soon, and once it goes, so shall go my feelings of malcontent.
Once someone was reading something and they said, "Who talks like that?" and the answer was me. I talk like I write. Sometimes that is good and sometimes bad.
My mom's 34 year old electric carving knife is sparking. Who saw that coming? My dad (Bob the Builder he is not, more like Jack the Jew) is trying to pry it apart and put it back together. His tools involve a flashlight, a screwdriver and a lot of hope he can save it. Who knows.
I made what I make every year: green bean casserole. This year my dad wanted to make roasted green beans, but this girl had to put her foot down.
Maybe we will see "Walk The Line" tonight. Or maybe I will continue to be in my pajamas and eat all day. Either one is good.
I am thankful for: my subbing library position, my volunteer library position, my friends both home and not at home, orange hooded zip-up sweatshirts, and the possibility of things to come.

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2