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Have You?
May 01, 2006 - 8:38 am

Diet Coke is so damn good.
I have started off May in two good ways. One is that I start Sarah-earned health care today! My Blue Cross starts today, and I made it all out of clay myself. I've never had self-made health care, and I think I like it.
The other is that starting today, I shall wear things I haven't worn to work. I find myself staying in the same 4 things over and over, and Sunday I went through my closet and realized that I have a ton of things I never wear that I bought in my size with the purpose of wearing, but I haven't. So I will. This week starts wear something new outside your comfort zone week. In honor of that, I have on a yellow tank/cardigan set and fancy black pants, like sorority girl pants. Fancy pants. Fancy pants.
Sometimes I like that I am a sorority girl. Ok, most of the time. In addition to closet cleaning, yesterday involved a mud mask, nail painting, stray hair plucking, cat petting, bath tub scrubbing, a soup and buttered bread dinner, TiVo fixing and work at my "real" job.
I was sick for most of last week, so I was only in for 2 days. This week, I have to play catch up.
I smell good. My new perfume is Bond #9 from le bridal shower de Rach.
Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta.

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2