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I MySpace, Therefore I Am
July 28, 2006 - 12:05 pm

I think MySpace has gone down. Or else they are just choosing to say I don't exist for no reason.

My first year at Michigan, we still had to register for classes using the phone, which seems crazy, but my mom would tell stories of when she had to register and it involved waiting in a barn and racing around to get what you wanted. But I digress.

When I used the phone register, the automated voice was known as the CRISP lady. The CRISP lady was great; she was always in a good mood, you called and she was there and life was good.

Except...randomly there were times when you would enter in your ID number and she would tell you that you didn't exist. Then you would end up shouting, "But I DO exist! And I need Anthro 230 at 11 am" and she wouldn't listen and you would cry and wake up your roommates and then have to call all over again.

Hearing the CRISP lady tell you that you didn't exist was a sad time. So CRISPing, as it was called, was annoying and seemed silly even in 1998 when I was doing it. By the time I graduated, there was WolverineAccess and you registered online and life was good again.

In 2003, I was going to start library school. Yay library school! We must be totally with it; there must be some killer technology for registration. Nope. I registered by sending in a note card listing what I wanted.

Yep, a note card. When questioned about said method, Simmons explained it took the note cards, rearranged them into piles, stacked piles around the office, made coffee, talked about the weather, checked e-mail, walked around, moved things, flirted with each other and then randomly put people in classes however they wanted. At least, that is my version of what happened.

But, miraculously, I did get the classes I wanted, and they did have online registration (SOAR or SORE, depending on how you felt that day) by the time I graduated.

In conclusion, the end.

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2