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Andrea's Big News
February 08, 2007 - 9:03 am

Andrea had some interesting news yesterday. Awhile ago, we saw a program on TV about people in Michigan that were adopted finding their birth parents. Andrea filled out some paperwork and sent it in and I kind of forgot about it. Well, yesterday, we got the information packet and it was pretty heavy stuff.
She found out: her birth mother's name, that she has a half-sister out there someplace, that her birth mother has since passed away, that the birth mother was from my home town (!), and the kicker...that her birth mother was a homo.
Andrea talked to her birth mother's sister, who happened to mention that Birth Mother "liked the ladies" more then men, before Andrea had said one word about being gay. Talk about nature vs. nurture.
There are so many things going on; in reality, Andrea found out a lot of other things that really threw her into a spiral. She feels more like an orphan now then before, even with all this new knowledge. It was a pretty overwhelming experience. There was a stack of papers and court filings and she learned a lot of information that puts some other things from her life into place.
I wish I could do more to help her process all this stuff, but I did what I could; I listened.

yesterday - tomorrow

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