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Tighter Belts
August 04, 2007 - 2:21 pm

I spent a good part of today looking up recipes for sugar-free desserts and cakes to make myself on my birthday. I like sugar. I don't really miss sugar, per se, although a lot of people I know that have had this say they crave sweets a lot. Maybe I will someday, but as of now, Jell*O and Chocolate Peanut Butter meal replacement bars are enough.
Anyway, I was hoping I'd find some great Splenda cake or something that would be birthday like. I suppose some of them seemed ok, but they required chocolate chips and stuff that aren't sugar free. Who knows. Maybe I will have a steak cake.
Today is the library picnic, and my parents are coming with me. My mom is bringing Three-Bean Salad and there will be like 20 other library people around for the mingling and eating of party foods. I have string cheese and an 100-calorie pretzel pack. I'll probably sneak a deviled egg in too.
I don't feel like I am eating very well as of late. Being in SF and eating out all the time was really hard and then it was like a habit and I am trying to get myself back in line, but it is hard. I forgot my goals of drinking enough water (I think I got dehydrated out there and I've been trying to catch up ever since). Plus, there is the part where I lost .5 lb this week. Now, I know that I am to be looking at inches and overalls and blah blah blah, but we all know that the numbers effect us. As I am (now) used to losing 3 lbs. a week, this post-vacay loss was sad. And my own fault.
I'm trying to tighten up my belt. Maybe no deviled egg at the party? Rats.

yesterday - tomorrow

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