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August 27, 2007 - 9:44 am

Kate has introduced me to the LOL Catz which are silly photos of cats with bad grammar and funny captions, like "I can has cheezeberger?". Totally ridonkulous and wonderful
I am in the process of getting a new place. I applied online to an apartment community having a 2 bedroom apt. special, so hopefully I will hear back from them sometime today. The sooner the better, I don't want to live in a basement for the rest of my life.
I have been sorta seeing someone, a social worker with a sense of humor that I enjoy spending my time with. I am not interested in moving really fast or having a girlfriend in 2 days. I've gone that route many times before, and I don't want the pressure of all of that. I do enjoy my time with her and she is beyond playful so I'm kind of just rolling with it for now. She knows all about my current situation, and she knows that we are just hanging out and keeping things light.
I also have to go and buy some new clothes. My 18s are too big, so it's time for 16s. I don't think I have worn a size 16 in years. To some people, 16 is still HUGE, but to me, it is 10 sizes smaller than where I was, so it is a teeny tiny me.
One thing I really miss about Andrea was how she knew my body as well as I did, and how all the changes that are happening to me are changes that she was really in a unique place to watch happen. Like the new girl has no idea what I used to look like, so I'm sure it must be weird to her how often I have my hand on my stomach or on my waist (!). I guess I am my own marker and that is good enough.

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2