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Can I?
September 18, 2007 - 6:55 pm

Seeing my brother for the weekend was a good choice, I think, even though I woke up on Saturday and had no idea where I was. You know, I have woken up in so many different places in the past 10 years compared to how few from birth to 18. Once I hit college, it was move after move. Sometimes I miss the old house where I grew up, because it was so familiar. I can walk it in my mind, and sometimes in my dreams, that's where I live.
My 10 year reunion is coming up. I am so there. I don't think I want to take anyone with me though; I think reunions are best spent alone so you can reminisce and not worry about boring someone to tears.
I had a long talk with my therapist today about my complete inability to say no. I have a really hard time (in my dating life) saying no. There has only been one person that has wanted to sleep with me that I said no to, and I am not even sure why that was. I pretty much say yes all the time.
I'd like to be better about saying no and meaning it and sticking to it. I think that is one of my biggest character flaws.
I think I get afraid of hurting people, so I allow myself to take things on that maybe I shouldn't.
I miss writing. I wish I still wrote poetry. I mean, I know I can do it, it's just been so long.
I have so much space now. I really love my new place. My new computer came today, so I get to set that up tonight. Maybe the library will be the poetry writing room as well as the computer place.

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2