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Zombie Free in 2003
December 03, 2007 - 1:36 pm

I haven't weighed myself or exercised in a long time. It's been about a month, a little more actually. The mono kicked my ass, as did the ending of my Curves membership. I have to sign up for a new gym. That is one of the goals this month.
Other goals include: getting a new water thing for the cats as mine is making a terrible screeching, figuring out how to use the new digi cam Kate got me for Chrismahanukwanzica, playing hockey again and ensuring that I drink the liquids I am supposed to every day.
The Coach and I are swimming along. The clothes I ordered her from Old Navy for the holidays are all waaay too big, so I'll have to go back and exchange them. Add that on to the to do list, which seems to grow by the minute.
Not much is new at work. We don't order in the month of December, so there is a lot of just sort of sitting around waiting for the time to pass and ordering gifts on the interweb. At least, that is what I do; I don't know how the others fake work.
The snow around here has melted, but the grayness seems to be sticking around. It finally feels like winter. Yesterday, we were driving home from a Hanukkah party and it felt like driving in a cloud or like being in the King movie "The Mist." Luckily, no zombies attacked the car. Phew.

yesterday - tomorrow

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