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While My Guitar Gently Weeps
March 20, 2008 - 9:19 am

You know how sometimes you feel like if you would have been the one about to get on the Titanic, you would have had a flash saying "WAIT! Don't do it. You'll die?" Sometimes we do get those flashes, but it's what we decide to do with those. Do we ignore them, or do we pay attention to them?
Like, I shouldn't have gotten together with Andrea the Wicked. There were signs the entire time that it was a stupid relationship to be in, but I was in it anyway. This time, I am paying attention to all the little signs that say this is a smart move. Yesterday I came home, and JT had chicken, green beans and mashed potatoes ready for dinner and it was such a nice surprise to have a healthy, non-microwaved dinner ready. I topped it off with pudding and grapes. Good times.
Anyway, I just wish I had listened to my guts more, and not turned a blind eye to so many things.
I am in a bunch of pools: American Idol and March Madness. I had Sayesha going home last night, not Amanda, so I don't know what that will do to my standings. MM I know squat about, but I think it is fun to play and push the buttons.
Today is Casual Day at work! I am wearing size 30 Lucky Jeans that I got at Costco. Lucky Me.
I read another book I think people would like. It's called "Big Fat Manifesto" and it's by Susan Vaught. It's young adult, but well written and appealing.

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2