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Weekend Warrior
June 02, 2008 - 4:41 pm

Operation Sunshine's Bachelorette Party was a great success! Friday we hung out with some of Rachael and Loren's friends in an apartment high rise where we watched the storm and drove home in awe of the destruction.
Saturday we went to the farmer's market, TJ Maxx where I got a great dress for Leona's wedding, Rachael's library and home again to talk and hang out before getting ready for the night.
We went out to Vietnamese food with Loren, and then went to get a car so we could be mobile for the night. We went to a gay male strip club called The Unicorn Club where we had to become "members" to come in. The odd part was that the strippers would be in their thongs and then they would put their socks and shoes back on. That made the whole thing very much less than sexy. We were there like an hour before heading to a (straight) bar and dancing for hours. Sunshine wore a bachelorette sash and a headband with a big paper cut out of an engagement ring. She was super drunk. I was too and Rachael had me sing the COPS theme song in Spanish (malos ninos malos ninos) and then I called JT at 4.30 am to tell her I loved her before passing out.
Last night, I ended up at Motor City Pride for like 2 hours, but I get really overwhelmed when there are too many homos is one place. I hope I'm ok in Chicago when there are a million more homos in one place.
I came to work at 1 pm today instead of 8.30 am, and I have just felt sort of fuzzy all day. I am going out to dinner with a friend that I haven't always been close with because we always say we want to hang out and then we never do, so we are trying it.
After, I'll go to JT's and watch the Red Wings! I hope we win.
Hockey is starting up, and I am really excited about it. JT and I are on the same team, which will be interesting. We have practice this week, and our first game next week. We are the light blue team 7 team. I think we need a better team name.

yesterday - tomorrow

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