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My (American) Dream Home
August 25, 2008 - 9:57 am

I bought a house. It is everything I want. I am scared. I hate Andrea. Her getting kicked out of that house has ruined my credit and although I refuse to be angry about it because it will get me nowhere, I am simmering in resentment for her.
Looking at photos helps me. Maybe they will help you too. There are 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, AC, 2 car garage, 1500 sq. ft., granite counter tops, an insane amount of cabinets, fans and hardwood floors.
There is so much to do, but it is a good feeling. I think if I go one step at a time I will not be so overwhelmed by it. The inspection is the 27th and we could close on the 22nd of Sept. My current lease is up on the 31st of Oct., so it doesn't run over too much, which is nice.
JT, Collin and I went to IKEA yesterday, and this is the table I like. I'm not so sure on chairs so far, but we also liked that bedframe with these attaching endtables,all in black. I am going to be poor and living in a nice house I work to pay for. The American Dream, I suppose.
Time to go make more phone calls about sorting out my life.

yesterday - tomorrow

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