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Early Morning Wake Up Call
January 20, 2004 - 8:07 am

Sass, you are awake so early, one may say. Well, says I, I was so anxious last night about wanting to change up my room and get all my things put away, that I barely slept 7 hours. When I write that, it doesn't seem like I should mind 7 hours of sleep. That is a long time. But I need at least 9. Or more.

But I redid some of my room stuff, like where my drawers and desk were, and now I think I have more room. It looks a little awkward now, I think, just 'cause I just did it, and new things have to grow on me, but I think it will turn out to be a better use of space, as long as everything I have stacked doesn't all fall down on me in the night.

The boy next to me on the plane last night coughed the entire way. THE ENTIRE WAY. If I die of consumption, it will be because of 37B.

I feel so bad about yesterday. Liora tried to make everything all nice and good and all I did was complain. I was not on yesterday at all. I wasn't even up for sex after not seeing her for 2 weeks. Gosh, that was mean of me. Well, we have a semester for me to make things up to her. Heh.

I am looking around my room and it seems to be compartmentalized. I have my work spot, my sleep spot, my getting ready spot, etc. I think I like spots.

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2