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July 09, 2004 - 3:16 pm

Is ok to make yourself eat things that you know are good for you that you bought at a store but are no longer sure that you like?

I ate some vinegar soaked veggies, tuna fish, and squash today at work, and I must admit, I am not so sure how I feel now.

I also ate a peach and I have two clemintines to eat later. What I really want is a juicy drippy bad for me hamburger for dinner to counteract all of the other stuff.

My brother is so damn cute. I hope he doesn't mind if I link to his travelpod, but he just makes me laugh and I want to share him with the world. I also rated his travelpod a 5 (excellent) so he feels loved and appreciated. I think DLand should have a rate feature too. I will write Andrew right away.

Leona is here! She called my cell at 6 am and was outside my dorm waving and looking healthy and happy and then we came upstairs and talked until 8 am and then we went back to sleep again. I was gonna work out but that didn't last and I slept until 10:45 am and have to work at 11. Whoopsees.

I am weeding the fiction, and mostly that means that I find books I like and read them and then forget what I was doing in the first place.

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2