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Tears for Barney
July 13, 2004 - 3:09 pm

You know what book I read today? "The Tenth Good Thing about Barney", which may be the best book about dealing with death ever. Maybe I just think so since my mom had me read it when my fish died when I was little. I had to gather some children's books about death and dying, and that was one of them. The other was about Vivi, some parrot or bird or something that died and then the grandmother dies and then it is just a tear feast. So I had to do some crying myself.

It is a poopy day here. It is rainy. I had to buy a sweatshirt at the Simmons school store today because I was so cold in class that the pashmina wasn't cutting it. I guess that it's ok; it's a zip up navy hooded with a small Simmons logo on the left breast, so it is not too terribly ugly.

Ann went to lay down in the children's room again. I find it funny when she does that.

It is good sleeping weather. I say we all go home and take naps and take the rest of the day off.

I hope tomorrow isn't like this. I want to see "Much Ado about Nothing" by the Shakespeare in the Park players. Boo.

yesterday - tomorrow

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