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January 24, 2005 - 11:41 pm

My grandfather died.
I have been in Canada since Friday. Everything just kind of fell apart. My mom called Thursday or maybe even Wednesday and said he wasn't well, but we had heard that a lot before, so I didn't pay a lot of attention to it, but then she called back like 5 hours later and said he had died.
I am not really sure how I felt about him. We didn't really know each other really. I mean, I didn't live in Windsor, so I didn't get to spend as much time with him as some of the other grandchildren did, so when it was time to talk about favorite past memories of him, I had nothing to say. That made me sad. What I remember about him was that he was a tough old man that I didn't like and my grandmother was the best thing that happened to me.
I was sad because my mom was sad and I was reacting to that. I told her that and she said she understood. It is going to be weird for awhile. So many people have died, and it has been one every three years in the winter like clockwork. Gail, Bube, Zaide. Who is next, ya know?
The best part was seeing/hanging out with my cousins. I really like them. I think I am going to try to stay in better touch with them, so when we see each other at family things, it is not like we have so much to catch up on.
I noticed that LOM doesn't update so much now that SC is around. Ha.
There was massive replanning and so I fly to Baltimore directly tomorrow for the two interviews on Wednesday. I have not a single thing that makes me feel interview ready. Oh dear.
Sorry I have been missing and not returning calls. I just needed some Sass time.
I am still a bad bowler. 48 to be exact.

yesterday - tomorrow

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