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Avenue Sass
August 29, 2005 - 12:54 pm

I think Avenue Q is one of the funniest things I have ever heard. It makes me laugh every time.
I am still packing stuff up. Luckily, the movers will help me with a lot of things. Ok everything.
I called Baker today to see what was up, and they said they are still in the process of looking to hire someone. Geez. I guess they don't need someone at the end of the week after all.
I am really undecided about what I should do, and I haven't even been asked if I want the Quincy job yet anyway. I am just trying to plan ahead. What would I do? I kind of got so set on going home that I feel like I want to know. I will just make that call if it is presented to me.
The trailer is on my car. Whee. It means I can go about 40 miles an hour. This is going to be a hellish drive home. Good thing I have Missus Cat. And music. And my fellytone.
My mom finished HPATHBP. She cried about Dumbledore. I didn't. Does that make me uncaring? Maybe it was that I knew he died before reading it so I was expecting it.
I threw away ice yesterday.
The people next door had a birthday party for their daughter and there was a pinata. I wish I would have been invited.
I want you to meet my girlfriend/my girlfriend who lives in Canada/Her name is Alberta/she lives in Vancouver.
I have an interview today and boy, will they be suprised when I show up with my UH@ul and demand a job.

yesterday - tomorrow

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