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Two Years Ago
September 19, 2005 - 1:21 pm

This weekend was pretty fun. D and I dyed our hairs and did beauty things on Friday night while we waited for Linda and SC to come in. Their plane was delayed and by the time they got in, it was like 12.30 in the morning. They played on Sat. and so Sunday we spent the day eating brunch. It took 2 HOURS to get our food at aut, and that was annoying, but it gave us a chance to chat, and that was fun. We also did the SW Tour de Ann Arbor, which always includes North Campus for no real reason other than I think it is pretty up there. My mom and I watched Emmy stuff last night, and there wasn't enough Ellen for me. More Ellen, more love.
Saturday D and I went dancing with a lot of other homos like Lifepartner and Roo. I am not so sure how I feel about the Stilleto's cage. It is not more like a batting cage than a good dancing cage. It has chain link fencing. Yeah it was weird.
Today I met with the Haisley librarian and she is nice. I also brought a PB sandwich, and when I got there, she told me it was a nut-free school zone. Um...ok. That was something that could have been brought to my attention yesterday.
My mom goes to Amsterdam tomorrow. She says she is relaxed about the trip, which in her opinion is better than being excited. We will have mommy/daughter dinner and a movie tonight to wish her a bon voyage.
I am having a test run at Curves today to see if I like it. I hope I like it. It is pretty close to my house, and I think it would be nice to have a compact workout place close to my house. Update soon.

yesterday - tomorrow

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