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June 28, 2006 - 12:49 pm

This morning I was making my lunch to bring to work and I wanted to slice up some veg for my salad. I looked and I saw a paper plate on the top of my trash can and I was like oh I can use that plate and not wash a dish and hey it is on top so it's fine.
After I have used the plate to slice tomato and onion and then placed my bagel on there to be cream cheesed, it suddenly dawns on me where the plate is from.
Last night, I had a Lean Pocket and while I was having a snack, Missus Cat meowed for one. So I fixed her a plate of Tasty Vittles. This morning when I came down, she had finished so I threw her (paper) plate away. That was the plate I had been using, the cat's dinner plate.
The saddest part was that when it dawned on me, I was like oh well. It didn't seem to bother me. Maybe because when I was younger, my mom would let Robert Louis (the doggie) lick the plates before they went into the dishwasher and once I used one of the plates he had "cleaned" by accident and I am still here. Apparently, I am not opposed to sharing a plate with pets. On a grossness scale of 1 to 5, can that just be like a 2? I mean, it wasn't like Magoo threw up on the plate, peed on it and then I used it. I'm sure her Tasty Vittles are made with stellar ingredients. Or something.
I have a headband on today. It is new and I am slowly becoming a librarian in name and dress. Eek.

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2