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Missing Man
September 19, 2006 - 5:25 pm

Today, in addition to Talk Like a Pirate day, was Peanut Butter Overload day. My boss made me a peanut butter pie in honor of my birthday (which I really like) and I also had an Uncrustable for lunch. And one for dinner. So now I think I can never have anything peanut buttery for again. Or, at least for a week.

There are two younger dykes here in the library today who are wandering around, holding hands and being 21 year old dykes in a library. They are cute. I kind of want to be like hey I like girls too, but that is really not why they came to the library.

I go to 3 doctor appointments tomorrow. I will be talking about WLS and that is kind of scary. Plus, I will be weighed, pried open with the duck lips, scraped and then dismissed. Not my favorite way of spending time off work.

Andrea was trying on pants last night, and the full length mirror is on the back of the downstairs closet door, and she shut it without cat checking to make sure it was all clear. When it was bed time, we saw no Bogie, but we thought maybe he had just fallen asleep downstairs and would come up later. This morning, there was no Small Man and then I went downstairs and there was a small mewing and I listened and determined it was from the inside of the closet. I opened it and out spilled Little Cat, slightly huffy at having been in the dark. He got over it in about 10 seconds and started following me around and wanting to be carried, so I think long-term damage was minimal.

Vacation time is never long enough. I wish for one day of sleeping.

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2