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What Kind of Day?
September 21, 2006 - 12:02 pm

I taught my Internet 101 class today, and it is always challenging when there is a variety of skill levels. One woman I had to show how to hold a mouse and another wanted to start a blog. So it was a mix of a day.

There is a man who has been coming in to try to find some erotica books. He is like 80 and his jacket has oil stains all over it and his last name is so ooh-la-la and he basically wants to read dirty magazines but have it look like literature. Note to others: books with titles like "Fantasy Fix" aren't really good disguises to make it seem like you are reading Shakespeare.

Yesterday I saw 3 doctors (and my loverly friend Kate for lunch) in a 6 hour time span. I got a tetanus shot and now my arm feels like there is an apple under my skin. Yee-ouch! I also lost 4 pounds since May, lowered my blood pressure by 4 points and consolidated my homeloans. Just kidding--I don't have a doctor that can do that. Or homelonas.

The main point of all of these doctors was to talk about the bypass. All of my doctors were agreeable, telling me they supported me. My therapist asked me questions for my psych eval and told me there is no reason why this can't happen. They all wanted me to keep in mind the always taking vitamins, not drinking at meals, possible poopage stuff, and in the end, they all signed off.

What does this mean for the Jews? Well, my PCP faxed her letter of rec over to the clinic. Clinic called to say that when they have my psych eval, I will be approved and they can set my surgery date.

EEEK! Basically, they can set it so quickly because Insurance-Company-O-Me and Clinic-O-Surgery-O-Me are linked enough for Clinic to approve and then pass it on to Insurance and Insurance pays. Holy shit.

My therapist and I agreed on a two week period where I would do all my final thinking, read my research, talk to more people, etc. and if at the end of the weeks, I wanted her to send in the form, she would. So I have the next two weeks to solidify my choice, then on my word she sends in the rec letter and then Clinic calls and we move on to the post-approval, pre-surgery stage which could mean surgery as soon as December. I think. I mean, I think that is what I got out of all of this. I still have to go to a support meeting and do a pre-surgery total checkover, but both of those can be done post-date-assignment, so things are speeding along.

Do I want to do this? It is my choice. I am pretty motivated. Do I just have cold feet? Am I just doubting myself too much? I don't know. I do know that I love love love my latest from Obesity Help, a food intake that you fill out online and it shows you how many calories and what from fat and carbs and everything. It is super cool. It's called FitDay and it is free and wonderful. I so totally underestimate calories. I thought my McFlurry was like 400 calories. Oh no my friend. It was 650-something. Whoops. There goes the neighborhood.

Le sigh. My brother asked me what this was all about and the answer is babies. I want to be more fertile. I want children! Even if I adopt, I would still need energy to chase after the ninos, and I don't think I have that now.

Help me help you. No, just help me help myself.

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2