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You Have No Choice
January 08, 2007 - 10:03 am

I really never thought that I would be doing what it is I do. Right now, I am working on a PowerPoint about the basics of Microsoft Word. I suppose it makes me laugh since I know I am not a tech expert by any means, but no one else here wants to do this, so here I am. I know I am doing a big service for people, but sometimes it can be so hard to pull together a bunch of tips on how to cut and paste within a document and still make it somewhat interesting.

I am in love with not being on Effexor and being on Prozac. I am a part of Prozac Nation, and I like it soo much more. ****UPDATE****
Maybe I am not so happy with it. I seem to be a bit twitchy. I wish I could just go off all my drugs. Maybe that will be an option soon. How long does it take for anti-depressant side effects to go away? I just kind of feel jumpy.

Andrea and I did Dance Dance Revolution last night for about 2 hours. I'm really glad we got it. We were working on the basic level of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and still the highest grade I earned was a B after two hours and such simple steps! I am in awe of every 12 year old I know that does the complicated level and gets like 3 zillion points and cheers from the fake audience.

Andrea made a whey protein shake for us to try and I think it went well. It was drinkable and tasted like strawberries and vanilla. It was just pretty thick.

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2