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The Bored Room
June 18, 2007 - 2:29 pm

Rules of Five

Five snacks I enjoy:

I have carefully planned snacks now. I suppose I will do pre and post op favorites.
1. milk chocolate in all the ways it comes
2. Potato chips with dip
3. Nachoes
4. French fries
5. Teddy Grahams
1. String cheese and crackers
2. South Beach Meal Replacement Bar
3. Sugar Free Lifesavers Popsicles
4. Cottage cheese
5. Yogurt

Five songs to which I know all the lyrics:

1. Humpty Dance--Digital Underground
2. Piano Man--B. Joel
3. Big Poppa--Notorious B.I.G
4. Pour Some Sugar On Me--Def Leppard
5. Baby Got Back--Sir Mix-A-Lot

Five Songs That Make Me Happy

1. Fire Door--Ani DiFranco
2. Sky Above--Melissa Ferrick
3. Wonderful Tonight--Eric Clapton
4. Romeo and Juliet--Indigo Girls
5. RESPECT--Aretha Franklin

Five things I would do as a multi-millionaire

1. Buy a house.
2. Take a part-time job closer to home.
3. Travel like a bat out of hell.
4. Have a Sassers Scholarship Fund for people in sororities that want to become librarians.
5. Hire a personal chef and trainer.

Five bad habits:

1. Biting my nails and hangnails.
2. Twirling my hair.
3. Being unable to recognize accomplishments.
4. Hibernating when things get rough.
5. Snapping at patrons at the library.

Five things I like doing:

1. Reading.
2. Watching game shows.
3. Filling out crossword puzzles.
4. Snail mail letter writing.
5. Talking to my mom.

Five things I would never wear again:

1. my bat mitzvah suit
2. anything suede
3. white eyeliner
4. loud, terrible floral prints
5. Stirrup pants

Five things I miss about my pre-surgery life:

1. Being able to eat whatever, whenever.
2. Drinking with meals.
3. Not writing down every single thing that goes into my mouth.
4. Taking one vitamin a day and having that be more than enough
5. People not constantly asking me if I feel wonderful. Losing weight doesn't make your whole life different. It just makes you smaller.

Do you have rules of five for your bored room?

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2