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What's Goin' On--Marvin Gaywad Style
July 09, 2008 - 9:53 am

I feel like a fat cow.
That wasn't what I set out to say at the beginning of this entry, but somehow my fingers were typing it before I even said go.
I had a good 4th time, saw Trine, swam, ate foods, watched JT get shitfaced and cry about how much she loved me, which was sweet in a tearful, beery sort of way.
This weekend is the Celebration of Life, my mom's party where everyone and her sister is invited to come over and hang out. It's sort of like a graduation party without anyone graduating.
The library has been a nice place as of late; it has the summery vibe going for it, which means the people smell more but are generally nicer.
I'm addicted to crosswords. I do at least 3 online a day. I also am doing a lot of Scrambling on FaceBook, which keeps the day moving right along.
This week, my goal is to be accurate in my food journal, and mostly to start keeping track of things in my food journal again. I slack off on it a lot, but I feel like using it helps me, so I am going to give it a whirl again.
My summer hockey team gave me a nickname: The Straddler. I'm learning about being offsides, and hoping to do it less often.
I really like hockey.

yesterday - tomorrow

# L DykeWrite2