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Oh. Whoops. I Was Asleep.
July 26, 2008 - 2:24 pm

I have been sick for the past week or so, and I went to Chicago for Em's bachelorette party and sucked on cough drops the whole time. Somehow it always seems to rain in Chicago. Em booked us the coolest hotel where I picked a Swedish pillow from the pillow menu. Who knew pillow menus even existed. We went to a bar with guns on the walls called Angels and Kings which was funny because we bribed the bouncer to get in and then inside there weren't so many people but fun because it was us.
I came home, had a bad interview with snotty people who described their library as the Nordstrom of libraries, while other neighboring libraries, of which one is where I currently work, were like the Wal-Marts. Needless to say, I was less than impressed. It rained a lot and I slept a lot and was sick and my mom made chicken soup that my lady went an hour out of her way to pick up.
JT starts her new job on Monday. I'm excited for her.
I looked at houses over the weekend, and I LOVE this this house. I am talking to my financial lady about mortgages I can get/afford, and hopefully, I can buy a nice place.
The other thing going on in my life is my (newest) doctor confirming narcolepsy. I'm on a new pill called ProVigil now, and it is kind of like controlled speed. It claims to help me stay awake and not need to nap so much. It also has made me feel like I have a can of green beans shoved in my chest, a weird cylander ache, as well as not sleep at night. I'm not sure about staying on it, but it's only been a few days so maybe my body is getting used to it.
Also, ProVigil makes me really not care about food. It's so fucking weird. It's an odd sensation. I just don't really care about it right now. I don't know where that is coming from or what the deal is, but suddenly I feel sort of apathetic about food during most of the day. I doubt it will last but right now it is sort of an anthropological study I am conducting on myself.
However, at night, I eat like a house on fire. I like to eat crackers and watermelon together. The next day I take the pill and I am like whatever for 10 hours then the last 5 I am up, I try to eat everything in sight.
Lots of things to say, links to link, questions to ask.

yesterday - tomorrow

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